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R&B Medical War Crimes #17 - Moshe Feiglin

3 years ago

Moshe Feiglin is a former member of the Knesset, longtime activist, and thorn in the side of the establishment. He recently spoke out at a Knesset hearing over the government's intentions to force the Molech shots on children (my words, not his).


  • 0/2000
  • Moshe is so right!! BH that he spoke out in the Knesset!!! And, thank for Rabbi Weissman for speaking out, having these seminars, and holding your stand. We in the US are also pushing back! Our government is too strong, and the states are taking their power back slowly. We have to wait as elections come about and we the Patriots take it back. It is a very difficult time here, but it sounds like it’s moving difficult in Israel. So very sad! Every Shabbat I pray for Israel, the Jewish people, and the USA. I am still very sad about not making Aliyah. I believe that HaShem will tell me when it is the right time.

  • Keep up the good work

  • Moshe for top leader - kick some asses🤣👍

  • fascinating

  • Great stuff!

  • There is a point where fear turns into anger. But we are living in a society where fear is being tolerated but anger is not. Angry people are being sent to see the psychologist and they then get drugs to be high and friendly all day. There is a point where people go and study some subjects that they become so specialised in that knowledge that they are unable to communicate with other people in that subject which makes these people lonely and separates them from the rest of society. I am talking about doctors and scientists. They communicate to the people in a way you would comunicate to a child. You would never bother a child with cancer with real scientific facts . But a child is not free . A child has dreams of what it is going to do when it turns 18 . So when a person is grown up and lives in a high tech society they grow up with fear and separation. A lot of them turn angry and a lot of them are sedated. There are some that are really alive acquiring all the knowledge they can get but they soon encounter borders of information and the only way to overcome these borders is to become rich and famous. Then they discover that they have power over others and that can turn them into tyrants. The rest of society never get those feelings because they are so busy pleasing others to just get the basic things done to survive. And then we are all fighting with brainwashing and mind control like bureaucracy and what we are told to buy next. It's a crazy world and some very sensitive and talented people may even take their lives because they cannot deal with banalities and also they are alive they do not feel alive. They just do not want to be here in this body because their mind and spirit is really somewhere else. When the Messiah comes we want to take off the pressure of normal people. It's just hard to decide things for oneself and learn from experience but it is even harder and pointless when we are being told what to do and we are losing our lives because we are losin

  • ...faith and our relationship with Hashem. 🐎🦁❤🐶🐈🐕🦄🤔

  • The Pope is the problem. He says that to be vaccinated is a privilege and people take it for an excuse to act as an aggressor and a murderer and they do not check the truth with their own brain. The Pope as the highest authority on earth has to be held accountable. At least for all vaccines death. Nobody is really allowed to recommend any medicine not even an aspirin we have been told. Only doctors can. And a person in authority recommending drugs without having the knowledge of what this drug is . This person is a criminal. 🤔🦄🐕🐈🐶❤🦁🐎

  • Its hard for kids to be told that they are not safe. It upset their sense of security and is traumatic. What a sad reality not just in Israel but all over the world.

  • kol hakavod Moshe Feiglin. Thank you for your voice. You are one of very few. It is truly shocking how few leaders have stood to defend our Gof given freedoms. To stand against tyranny. The fear campaign has, sadly, been very successful. So many people are still very brainwashed. They really think there is a terrible virus out there. We know the vax is bad but so many parents are really not aware and still believe the government. So they perhaps really do think they are protecting their children. But more and more people are coming around, waking up. there is reason to be optimistic. Thank you Rabbi Weissman for your great efforts to help inform us. Shavua tov.