2 years ago

The first stop on my 8 week van life solo travel road trip for photography is Visiting White Sands National Park in New Mexico for some serious photography.
I decided to spend the evening visiting the National Park to get some epic sunset photography by doing a lengthy hike into the dunes and the dune fields.
Purpose? Snag a beautiful sunset for my landscape photography video channel!
I took the Nikon and the Samsung Galaxy s9 out for some evening work.
I spent about 4 days in the area doing landscape photography and sunset photography.
In this video, I'll take you around the national park and show you some of the sites as well as share a few beautiful photographs I took along the way.

I love doing the landscape photography, but more importantly, I really enjoy taking you along for the drive.

There are a lot of people who can't really make it to the places I go and I think it's so much fun to share the locations in video.

The opportunity for the landscape photography in the national parks is outstanding, in spite of the volume of people.

We will work our way through finding photography locations as well as photographing them in spite of the wind that is at times very strong in this particular location.

You you like the idea of finding places to visit if you are traveling for retirement, you will find my upcoming series of landscape and hiking videos very inspiring and helpful.

I hope you will subscribe, share, and like the video. Most importantly, I'd love to hear your comments.

Enjoy and we will see you in the next one.

Please visit and shop my website at

Oh, and by the way...

The drone footage in this video is ALL captured legally. The drone was never launched nor landed from or on inside of the National Park boundaries and borders.

Line of site was never once lost.

Per policy memorandum issued June 16, 2014 of Federal law 36 CFR § 1.5,

"The NPS has the authority to regulate or prohibit the use of unmanned aircraft from or on lands and waters administered by the NPS. As a result, the compendium closures required by the Policy Memorandum only apply to launching, landing, or operating unmanned aircraft from or on lands and waters administered by the NPS within the boundaries of the park. The closures do not apply to launching, landing, or operating unmanned aircraft from or on non-federally (e.g., private or state) owned lands located within the exterior boundaries of the park. The closures do not apply to the flight of unmanned aircraft in the airspace above a park if the device is launched, landed, and operated from or on lands and waters that are not administered by the NPS. "

#vanlife #landscapephotography #whitesands
#nps #nationalparks

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