Tucker Carlson Tonight 3 Dec 2021

2 years ago

Jesse Watters fills in for Tucker tonight and the main topic is CRIME. CRIME, CRIME, CRIME. George Soros and the Soros promoted DA's in the bluest of blue cities are leading to a record murders and skyrocketing crime. I say reap what you sow, but this is spreading throughout the country and is toxic. Robby Starbuck joins Jesse to discuss.
Bill Melugin joins Jesse to discuss the DCCC selebrating the 2 penny drop in gas prices after plundering the STRATEGIC oil reserve. What a clown show.
African News WH correspondent joins Jesse to throw shade on the IIC regime for the travel ban. Good for goose, good for the gander.
NJ State gov update.
Roger Stone TC Today clip.
the breast feeding hairless cat. Gross.

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