passion is what is missing in this country (af w/ njf)

3 years ago

ironic for ag to wear an america first anything
don't agree with that sentiment considering it doesn't mean shit to our leaders
i support nick and his efforts
not many people care about the right thing
political correctedness is such a waste of time
we have a country to save...hahaha
overzealous patriotism is part of the problem
crazy black people are the only ones who get how dangerous the police dept is
govt authority figures w/ badge+weapons...hello?
they woh't talk about corruption unless it happens to someone BLAAAAAACK
expanded govt, military-like, quotas quotas quotas
they go with whatever is pc, not what's good for the ppl
this is the way that it's always been
my church friend called me
unwarranted crushes on me or maybe they're warranted
ag is the coolest mf on the planet (specifically becuz of shit like this)
i thought of all the ppl i could inspire w/ my car
fiona is already dirty, might as well cleanse her in another way

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