OFF TOPIC EP 95 - Beijing Olympics, Maxwell Trial, Kodak Black, Simon Rex

3 years ago

​@VideoMattPresents talks with the tribe about trending topics from around the globe.

Time Stamp Chapters
Chapter. 1 - Kodak Black [9:45]
Chapter. 2 -Boycott the Olympics [19:29]
Chapter. 3 -A White House Christmas [23:33]
Chapter. 4- Simon Rex Interview [26:42]
Chapter. 5 - Ghislaine Maxwell Trial update [33:43]
Chapter. 6 - Blackmailed? [1:04:27]
Chapter. 7 - Trade & Barter Zombies [1:13:19]
Chapter. 8 - Donations [1:22:50]
Chapter. 9 - Glitching[1:28:09]
Chapter. 10 - Continue Ep 95

You can help support this channel by donating here if you wish. VMP has had Youtube take away his abilities to run advertisements since his content they claim is to controversial we just thought it was reporting on news.

Watch Off Topic Ep 94
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