Podcast Episode 8: How to Use Pinterest to Sell on Etsy

2 years ago

Did you know that Pinterest is one of the most powerful tools you can use to sell your products on Etsy? It can drive a whole new audience of shoppers straight to your shop for FREE! Tune in today as we talk about what Pinterest is, how it has changed (to your advantage), and how you can use it today to help boost your Etsy sales.

Podcast Episode Shownotes: https://www.howtosellyourstuff.com/blog/podcast-episode-8-how-to-use-pinterest-to-sell-on-etsy

**“How to Sell Your Stuff on Etsy” is not affiliated with or endorsed by Etsy.com


Stuff I mentioned:

Pinterest Course:

Perfecting Pinterest by Sophia Lee: https://bysophialee.teachable.com/courses/perfecting-pinterest?affcode=699001_4rutj5q9


Canva: https://partner.canva.com/c/2545784/647168/10068

Tailwind: https://tailwind.sjv.io/RybELv

Amazing Pinterest Podcast:

Simple Pin Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/simple-pin-podcast-simple-ways-to-boost-your-business/id1114667498

Simple Pin’s incredible episode about Idea Pins: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/simple-pin-podcast-simple-ways-to-boost-your-business/id1114667498?i=1000535367393

*Some of the links above are affiliate links which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you. You can see my affiliate disclosure here: https://www.howtosellyourstuff.com/affiliate-disclosure

PODCAST: https://www.howtosellyourstuff.com/podcast

FREE ETSY MASTERCLASS: https://www.howtosellyourstuff.com/masterclass

FREE PDF DOWNLOAD: “4 Strategies I Used to Grow My Etsy Shop from $25 to $6000k/month”: https://www.howtosellyourstuff.com/site/4-strategies-opt-in

Does selling on Etsy feel like a mystery you still need to solve? I used to feel the same way back when I got started in 2015. But now several years and hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales later—- I’ve cracked that code and I’m here to help. I created a totally free Etsy Masterclass just for you! My goal is to give you solid strategy to help you make progress TODAY. Get access to the FREE masterclass here: https://www.howtosellyourstuff.com/masterclass

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