Welcome to End Time Disciple - Helping You Live Ready for Jesus' Return

3 years ago

Welcome to End Time Disciple - Helping You Live Ready for Jesus’ Return.

To discover more about ETD, or to join the ETD Family, or to get in touch with me, please visit the ETD website at:

Eschatology, Theology and Discipleship
Welcome to End Time Disciple, my name is Jared Nel, and I’m here helping you live ready for Jesus’ return.

Firstly, thank you so much for checking out my channel. I’m really honoured that you’re here and I hope you’ll stick around and be a part of the End Time Disciple family.


Are you looking for Biblical teaching and practical advice to help you grow as an authentic disciple of Jesus?

Are you excited about Jesus returning but confused by all the different end-time teachings out there?

Do you love sound doctrine but hate all the infighting and division in the church? Perhaps, like me, you’re heartbroken at how Christians attack each other and believe there must be a better way?

And finally, do you long to make a real difference in the world and live ready for Jesus’ return?

If this sounds like you, then I would love for you to join me as we explore these and other topics together here on End Time Disciple. And remember, Jesus is coming soon, let’s live ready!

Support Me

You can support me via PayPal or Buy Me A Coffee.
Links here: http://www.endtimedisciple.com/support/

Grab yourself some ETD merch and be a light.
Links here: http://www.endtimedisciple.com/merch/

Material Attribution

Music from Ben Sound – http://www.bensound.com.
Videos from NASA – http://www.nasa.gov.
Videos from The Last Reformation – http://www.thelastreformation.com.


God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Christian, Disciple, Eschatology, Theology, Evangelism, Apologetics, End Times, Faith, Church Unity, Discernment, Religion, Bible, Science, Truth, Worldview, Culture, Spiritual Journey, Growth, and Life.

#eschatology #theology #discipleship

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