Goodbye COVID-19, Hate to See You Go: Please Take the WHO, CDC, and Dr. Death with You

2 years ago

Dr. Been discusses the omicron variant, the multiple mutations, and how the mutations are leading toward a very mild virus which could cause our natural immune systems to eradicate the virus due to 'REAL' herd immunity. In the end, the virus will be a nothing burger with no help from the WHO, CDC, Dr. Fauci, or the "science". We never needed any of them, except to create the pandemic.

Video Listings:


How severe is omicron Expert says variant's 50 mutations could be its downfall
Omicron - Will It Eradicate Other Variants (#003)
Omicron May Have Picked Up Gene From A Common Cold Virus
Omicron Outcomes - Awesome News From South Africa

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