Russian Mercenaries Of The Wagner Group Have Taken Command Of A European Union Battalion.

2 years ago

Laughing stock: Russian mercenaries of the Wagner group have taken command of a EU battalion in the Central African Republic.

It seems hard to believe but this just goes to show the true efficiency of Russia’s fight for influence in said country.

Formed by the European Union and coordinated by the Russian mercenaries paid by the kremlin, the Territorial Infantry Battalion (TIB7) of the Central African Army, instructed by Europeans, now answer to the mercs of the Wagner group.

A report of the European External Actions Service shows that the Territorial Infantry Battalion is controlled by the Wagner group in whichever manner they deem necessary which represent a violation of the mission accord of The European Union Training Mission in Central African Republic (EUTM RCA) regarding the transparency of the hired troops.

Russia Scowls........
This “requisition” by the Russians of the Central African troops is embarrassing from more point of view.
Firstly, the TIB7 have been trained by European instructors when the hostilities first began in December 2020 between the Government forces and The Coalition of Patriots for Change (CPC) says the European External Actions Service.
The European Union Training Mission in Central African Republic (EUTM RCA) insisted that in the beginning of October all TIB7 soldiers should “proudly” wear the badge of the EUTM during the ceremony for the end of training. Just a few days later… the Wagner group took command
Also, the Russian Federation refuses any effort of the EU to limit Russia’s mercenary activity in the region. Shocked by their arrival, the European Countries especially France demands the sanctioning of the Russian Mercenaries.
Joseph Borrell Head of the European Diplomacy declared on Tuesday that measures regarding this problem will be taken at the next meeting of the ministries of external affairs of the countries scheduled for 13th of December.
For now, these threats don’t seem to hinder the Wagner group from gaining ground and influence in the Central African Republic and receive in exchange more and more permits for Russian companies to operate the Gold and Diamond mines.
It’s no wonder since these mercenaries have had a long time to consolidate their position in the country. The Central African Republic has been one of the territories, along with Madagascar that Moscow has targeted in order to test its new diplomatic-military strategy.

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