Emails reveal the unlikely close friendship between Hunter Biden and Tucker Carlson

2 years ago

Who knew? Emails reveal the unlikely close friendship between Hunter Biden and Tucker Carlson: President's son wrote Georgetown recommendation for TV star's son and got him to intervene in a news story about him using cheating website
Emails from Hunter's abandoned laptop show Tucker Carlson and the president's son were once close friends
The Fox News host failed to disclose the true extent of his friendship throughout his extensive coverage of the scandals surrounding Hunter's business and personal transgressions
In emails Hunter professed his 'love' for Carlson and his family, called him 'buddy' and told him 'you're a friend'
One exchange revealed Carlson even intervened on a 2015 story about Hunter's use of extramarital affairs website Ashley Madison, on Hunter's behalf
'This whole thing is disgusting and awful and it breaks my heart that you all have to go through it. I'm really sorry,' Carlson wrote
Another email from 2014 the news anchor thanked Hunter for writing a recommendation letter for his son's Georgetown University application

PUBLISHED: 19:48 GMT, 3 December 2021 | UPDATED: 03:08 GMT, 5 December 2021

Hunter Biden was close friends with Tucker Carlson, wrote a recommendation for his son's Georgetown application, and even got Carlson to intervene in a story about him on Hunter's behalf.

Emails from Hunter's abandoned laptop show the Fox anchor and the president's son were close until around 2015 – revealing Carlson failed to disclose the true extent of his friendship throughout his extensive coverage of the scandals surrounding Hunter's business and personal transgressions revealed by his abandoned computer.

In emails Hunter professed his 'love' for Carlson and his family, called him 'buddy' and told him 'you're a friend'.

A Fox News spokeswoman said Carlson ‘has been transparent about his relationship’ with the president’s son.'

In August 2015 data on the 30 million users of extramarital affairs website Ashley Madison were leaked, including Hunter's name and c.redit card. wrote a story about Joe Biden's son's alleged use of the site, whose tag line is 'Life is short. Have an affair'.

Carlson wrote back revealing he had intervened in their reporting on Hunter's behalf.

'Just lost my s**t on the editor over there. He claims the London office forced him to do it. He's a pig either way, and I told him so,' he said.

'This whole thing is disgusting and awful and it breaks my heart that you all have to go through it. I'm really sorry. Let me know if there's anything [Carlson's wife] Susie and I can do to help.'

Hunter wrote back: 'I'm sorry for even calling you. I know I put you in a difficult position- and upon reflection as you're [a] friend I should have never done that.

'I was just so upset that they went to my house and confronted Finnegan. I've been in DE [Delaware] the last two months sleeping in my nephew's bed, and it's hard to even get up in the morning sometimes.

'Eric [Schwerin, Hunter's business partner] provided all the information on background that proves this was not me - not my IP address- not my credit card #, not my birthdate etc...but they still come anyway. I can take the hit- I'll be fine, but the notion that under any circumstance whether ordered to by an editor or not that someone would confront my 16 year old daughter at my home is just wrong.

'Regardless, I should have never put you in this position- you have your own family all of whom I love, and your own business and defending me is not something a friend should ask a friend to do. Tell Susie we love her and miss you both very much.'

At the time, Hunter publicly denied using Ashley Madison, although embarrassing and shocking videos and communications recovered from his laptop by this year revealed the extent of his infidelity with prostitutes and prolific drug use. sent follow-up questions to Hunter following his denial at the time, digging out records from the leak showing a credit card with his name on it and registered to an address linked to him which was used to pay $268.99 for the site on June 25, 2014.

He did not respond.

In messages sent days later Hunter lashed out at his ex-wife Kathleen, referring to his addictions as 'this disease'.

'I have struggled with this disease. And when I need you most to protect me against myself you shut me out,' he wrote.

'My brother died and the day after he was put in a grave you stopped speaking to me.

'Your absence after the most devastating moment in my life clearly confirmed to all our friends and family that I truly must be the most despicable human being in the world.

'Everyone already thinks I'm a lying cheating piece of s**t. My mother and my sister-in law and everyone in my family, they all hate me because what you have told them. The only response I get is 'you deserve it.'

In an email exchange a year earlier further evidencing the close relationship between Hunter and Carlson, the anchor thanked Hunter profusely for writing a letter of recommendation for his son's Georgetown University application – Hunter's alma mater.

'Hunter! I can't thank you enough for writing that letter to Georgetown on Buckley's behalf. So nice of you. I know it'll help. Hope you're great and we can all get dinner soon,' Carlson wrote on November 12, 2014.

'Hey buddy- I need Buckley's CV if you have one handy- Thanks,' Hunter replied.

'Of course. Getting on a plane now but I'll ask Susie to send it right away. Thanks again. It's really nice of you to do this,' Carlson wrote.

Carlson declined to comment on his emails about Georgetown.

Buckley ended up majoring in government and political science at the University of Virginia, graduating in 2019.

Lawyer and right-wing conspiracy theorist Lin Wood, who represented Donald Trump in his lawsuits over alleged electoral fraud, leaked screenshots of the Georgetown emails on his popular Telegram channel this week amid a spat between heroes of the far-right QAnon movement.

Lin and eight other attorneys were ordered to pay $175,000 in legal fees over their election lawsuit by a judge on Thursday.

Emails also show Hunter, Carlson and his wife were involved in an outward bound group together, The Elements DC, which arranges nature trips for parents and their children.

The president's son and the Fox anchor were in a group of around 47 others emailed by the organization dating back to 2011.

In a November 2011 email Carlson and his wife were listed as 'friends' by Kathleen on a guest list for a cocktail party, and both couples were among a dozen invited to a friend's labor day barbecue that year.

Hunter's business partner Eric Schwerin included Carlson among invitees to the White House Easter Egg Roll in 2010, an annual event on the south lawn to which Hunter and his Rosemont Seneca company were allotted grace and favor tickets which they used for friends and prospective business partners.

Hunter and Schwerin also put Carlson's name on a list of powerful and well-connected people for a party in April 2011 organized by the NativityMiguel Jesuit school group.

Invitees included Democrat senators Robert Casey and Bob Menendez, Georgetown president John DeGioia, Special Olympics chairman Tim Shriver, UAE ambassador Yousef Al-Otaiba, painter Bob Ross' son Steve Ross, lobbyist Mike Manatos, and Teresa Heinz Kerry – climate change envoy and former Secretary of State John Kerry's wife and heiress to the Heinz fortune.

In August 2012 when Hunter's acquaintance, a wealth manager at Wells Fargo bank, asked if he was friends with Carlson he replied: 'Yes- his wife Suzie and Kathleen are good friends. He's a nice guy- that I completely disagree with on everything.'

Hunter's other high-profile right wing friends have included former Fox News contributor and psychiatrist Keith Ablow, who controversially said on the Fox show Outnumbered in 2014 that then-first lady Michelle Obama 'needs to drop a few [pounds].'

He also said on the show a year later that he believed men should be able to 'veto' women's abortions.

Though Carlson declined to comment on his emails about Hunter’s Georgetown letter of recommendation for his son, in a statement the anchor said he stood by his comments about’s reporting.

It reads, in part, 'Daily Mail reporter showed up at his house when he wasn’t home and informed one of his daughters that her dad was cheating on her mom. I don’t care if it’s Hunter Biden or not, that’s awful,’ he said.

‘I knew the Daily Mail’s Washington editor at the time, so I called and told him I thought he was a pig for doing that. That’s still my opinion.’

The revelations over the extent of Carlson's past close relationship with Hunter despite his frequent reporting on the president's son, have prompted comparisons to CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, who was suspended by the network for secretly helping his New York governor brother Andrew over his sexual harassment scandal.

After his suspension, Carlson gave a monologue on air poking fun at his fellow anchor's weightlifting videos and claiming he was 'a communicator wholly unable to communicate', but defended his role in helping craft the NY governor's defense.

'Helping his brother is not the worst thing Chris Cuomo ever did, in fact, it may have been the best thing he ever did,' Carlson said.

'Not because Andrew Cuomo was a good person, he certainly wasn't a good person, he was loathsome.

'But Andrew Cuomo was Chris Cuomo's brother and that is what you do with brothers, even the loathsome ones, you help them when they need it. It is called loyalty.' obtained a copy of Hunter's laptop hard drive from former Steve Bannon podcast co-host Jack Maxey.

ohn Paul Mac Isaac, the owner of the computer store where Hunter abandoned his laptop, gave a copy of its hard drive to Donald Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani in September last year.

Giuliani reportedly leaked documents and photos from the drive to the New York Post, and also gave a whole copy of the drive to Trump's former advisor Bannon and his podcast co-host Maxey.

Carlson has given extensive air time to the scandals surrounding Hunter Biden's dealings with Chinese government-linked companies, alleged influence-peddling and transgressions with drugs and prostitutes, and has been highly critical of the president's son in the past year.

Several revelation's published by based on material from the laptop were prominently featured in the Tucker Carlson Show.

But in one episode of his show in October last year, he u-turned and told viewers he didn't want to be involved with 'piling on' Hunter, claiming he had received an 'awful lot of documents' about him but has 'not aired' many of them.

'Hunter Biden is a fallen man at this point,' he said, hinting at their relationship saying that he once knew Hunter well.

'I never thought Hunter Biden was a bad person,' the anchor told his millions of viewers.

'I thought he had demons but in the time I knew him he kept them mostly under control. At some point, he lost control of those demons and the world knows that now. He's now humiliated and alone.

'Probably too strong to say we feel sorry for Hunter Biden, but the point is pounding on a man, jumping on, and piling on when he's already down is something we don't want to be involved in.'

Tucker also claimed that a trove of 'damning' documents from Hunter's abandoned laptop that had been shipped to him had 'vanished', though the documents were reportedly later found by UPS the next morning, and Carlson admitted he had made copies of them beforehand.


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