Stew Peters, Donald Trump’s former HHS advisor warns Trump about the danger of the COVID-19 vaccines

2 years ago

Why is Donald Trump acting as chief salesman to these vaccines and why is he blaming Biden for ‘unable to convince the public to take the vaccines’? People have seen with their own eyes that the vaccine is hurting a lot of people, and thanks to Operation Warp Speed approving these vaccines too quickly, we are unfortunately going to be seeing a lot of deaths from children. Dr. Paul Alexander trumps former HHS is pleading with Trump to STOP PROMOTING THE VACCINES. Operation Warp Speed was a disaster and provided big pharma an easy route to take advantage of billions of dollars in profits. Big pharmaceutical companies with Big Tech colluded orchestrated the lockdowns in order to sabotage Donald Trump’s first term. The vaccine developers Fauci, Francis Collins have devastatingly misled Trump. Forget Omnicron, omnicron is not a problem and it is actually less transmissible than delta. The vaccine has failed against delta and we have studies that show that the vaccines are not working and we beg President Trump to move away from whoever is advising him now. President Trump needs to step up and put a pause on these vaccinations. First of all there is no way to test for individual variants and the fatality rate among children is super low, the survival rate for children is 99.9989%. These shots are causing more catastrophic events than any other vaccine combined. And look at what Mayer DiBlasio just did which mandated for ALL PRIVATE COMPANIES 100% vaccinated. President Donald Trump is aware of what is going on and we the people need him to understand that children have innate immunity to the virus and we have data to show that the vaccines subvert innate antibodies. The people pretending that the science of natural immunity doesn’t exist is also absolutely insane and shame on NIH, CDC, and the FDA for downplaying natural immunity. Besides, the CDC is saying that the vaccines aren’t working so that is why you need a booster shot. So basically you have to be a pin cusion for who knows how long we allow this madness to continue. Turn off the CDC and tune out Anthony Fauci, he is the most inept scientist out there. The vaccine has failed and this is NOT THE PANDEMIC OF THE UNVACCINATED. People need to understand that if you take a booster you are getting the exact same thing that was given 8 months ago. If you take this vaccine that CANNOT work then you are only allowing yourself to inject yourself with a bad batch which may give you myocarditis, pericarditis, etc. Donald Trump needs to step up and try to fix this. Please Donald Trump, try to fix this! The adverse effects of the vaccine are lifelong because cardio tissue cannot regenerate which leads to scarring. Why is Donald Trump incessantly trying to push everyone to take these shots? That is what is so confusing to all of us because he definitely is aware of what is going on, and are the people around him explaining what is happening in an upside down way? Whoever is bringing it to the president is misleading. I could never say that Donald Trump is not a benevolent person, but something is wrong with these vaccines and something is wrong with Donald Trump not disavowing the shots. We love and support you but you need to stop pushing these vaccines and recognize how we are going to fix this. The Biden administration wants to vaccinate every child in the world and if they get their way they will do PERMANENT damage to their bodies! Whoever is communicating the adverse events of these vaccines to Trump is not doing it correctly.

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