CIA is a pedophile infected satanic institution

3 years ago

1. Watch and share this special report that highlights radio host Alex Jones repeatedly raising the alarm against the CIA-run pedophile rings for decades. Its such a hot potatoe that even alternative media hesitate to cover it.
2. New documents have been released proving that the CIA covered up at least 10 cases of agents raping kids and veraciously consuming child pornography, and got off scoff-free. Stew Peters show investigative journalist Edward Szall digs into the report and makes the case for disbanding the CIA.
3. December 04, 2021 Manhattan, New York - A group gathered in Foley Square on Saturday afternoon for a "Survivors standing with Survivors" rally that was held outside of a Manhattan Courthouse where Ghislaine Maxwell is on Trial and faces eight charges, including sex trafficking of a minor. MSM is not covering this.
4. Dr. David Brownstein, who has successfully treated over 700 patients with COVID-19 and other upper respiratory infections, using nebulized 3% hydrogen peroxide.& saline with a drop of iodine
5. Stand Firm - A Message To All Of Us from David Icke. The Covid Coma will end.
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