Bottom Growth

3 years ago

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Testosterone Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) induces enlargement of the female organ known as "bottom growth." Because of the anatomy of the female sensory organ, which extends deep into the pelvis, and is much larger than is culturally believed, this growth can produce quite painful impaction and other uncomfortable sensation. The existence of "bottom growth," an irreversible consequence of wrong-sex doses of testosterone therapy in women that can occur after as little as one week of use, is often sought explicitly in preparation for metoidioplasty, a surgical alternative to phalloplasty that allows the recipient to still complete the sacred trans rite of standing to pee. The pain it causes is often denied, and the predictable consequence of being visibly altered in such a fashion as to risk repulsing, physically, future partners, is downplayed with the justification that other people with altered bodies within the Church of Trans will accept you as you are, which is held up as a more pure form of sexual love than can be achieved by people outside of the church structure.

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