Prophecy - Beware of the unrepentant sinner, encourage the holy who repent & obey YAHUSHUA!

2 years ago

New Prophecy 112 with enhanced graphics and new beautiful animations spoken through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu.

This is proof ABBA YAHUVEH YAHUSHUA, RUACH HA KODESH don't love everyone: Malachi 1:2-3 "Jacob I loved Esau I hated." Psalm 139:21-22 "Do I not hate those who hate you, Lord, and abhor those who are in rebellion against you? I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies.

Excerpts below:

"Now be obedient, record the dream (Acts 2:17; Hab 2:2) to the best of your ability for what you have remembered is what I wanted you to remember.

Just know this, the ones that I have called YAHUSHUA’S Demon Stompers, the ones I have also called your spiritual children, cry out to ME to heal their spiritual mother and mentor, MY Ringmaiden. You tell them as they pray for you and the others who minister by your side: I take these blessings, I take these prayers, I hold them close to MY heart. They are a sweet fragrance to MY nostrils (Gen 8:20-21; Ps 141:2; Ezek 20:41; 2 Cor 2:15-16; Phil 4:18; Rev 8:3-4).

You wait for a special day M’lady [my lady], it is not anything [in your flesh] you can hasten. And yet I tell you this, for everyone who’s lifting up those prayers for you I only anoint you more. I give you back things and I restore, albeit [even though] it is not that which you have wanted, but it does hasten the time. So faithful they are.

And when you see those that you thought were faithful and you see they cannot walk by your side ‘no more’ (for I have divided them) –this is for all the YDS’s I speak to now who are MY faithful front liners, the faithful prayer intercessors, the Holy ones, MY elite force:

Take your eyes off of the fallen. Continue not to grieve for the fallen –those who started in the YDS and put their hand to the plough and said, “This is too hard. I’m taking my hand off the plough. The MASTER expects too much. This isn’t as much fun as I thought it would be, to serve faithfully by your side Elisheva [Elisheva]. This is too hard. I want to enjoy this world. I want to do things my way.”

These are the fallen. These are the ones who will be in the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21). These are the ones who will suffer in a different way, but MY darling –I speak to the faithful YAHUSHUA’s Demon Stompers:

Just as Moses became weary and had to have someone to be able to hold his hands up in the battle (Exodus 17:12) –as long as his hands and his arms were held up for he had not strength to hold them up alone— I use these YAHUSHUA’S Demon Stompers. I use the prayers around this world and faces you do not know –the missing parts of the Bride, MY obedient Bride. They intercede and they pray for you and yet their names you do not know. Many of their names you do not know but I use the prayers of these righteous ones, the righteous ones of the front line YDS’s to lift your arms before the battle.

[The battle] is so heavy –for I have anointed you Elisheva [Elisheva]. I have imparted in you a unique Anointing and there is a price to pay for this Anointing –for you see others can speak and I hear them but your unique Anointing is, you speak and, if you will but just believe, there is nothing that you won’t ask that I will not reply to (1 Sam 3:19). And you will hear the answer.

I speak to you in your sleep. I tell you of this great Anointing I place in your hands. And I have proven again and again and again in ways that are secret–even beyond your grasp or comprehension.

[My children] be grateful I do not force you to carry the cross that I force Elisheva [Elisheva] to. I anoint your hands even while you sleep. Does not MY Word say, “I anoint your hands for war”? (Isaiah 45:1, Psalm 89:20-23, 92:9-11)

Precious YDS –YAHUSHUA’S Demon Stompers— I’ve anointed your mouths. I’ve anointed your hands to war, to tear down the strongholds, to bind the princes, powers and principalities of this world (2 Corinthians 10:4). When you but speak MY ear is inclined to you, as you pray and you live in Holiness, as you fight the enemy and the temptations of this world.

Because you obey and because you love this Ministry & MY Ringmaiden and you faithfully intercede for them—this Ministry —as well as Kathrynyah and Adam for they are a team—do not underestimate your position. All the translators who take the Holy Fire and put them in other languages do not underestimate your rank. But continue all of you, to stay humble before ME –for each one of YAHUSHUA’S Demon Stompers, you march in your own ranks. You keep your eyes on your Heavenly prize.

You are a Holy intercessor. And when you see the others fall by the side, those that cannot measure up to be called MY Holy Bride, take your eyes off of the fallen. Keep your eyes on the ones that have stood strong no matter what has come, no matter the persecution, the temptation. I’m not saying that you’re perfect; all of you are a work in progress."

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