Super-advanced robot can now rear up on legs like a human

2 years ago

An advanced robot that previously impressed with its ability to roll on four wheeled legs can now STAND UP like a human.

The latest incarnation of ANYmal has been unveiled by Swiss-Mile, a spin-off from ETH Zurich research university.

The robot can motor along, tackle obstacles like stairs, but can now rear up on its two back legs to balance like a humanoid.

Suggested applications for ANYmal include last-mile delivery challenges, with Swiss-Mile announcing: “With both legs and wheels, our robot outperforms state-of-the-art wheeled delivery platforms as well as lightweight delivery drones.”

ANYmal developer Dr. Marko Bjelonic, of ETH Zürich, explains: “It’s a car, quadruped, and humanoid. Our wheeled-legged robot performs exceptional locomotion skills with reinforcement learning driving at speeds of up to 6.2 m/s (22.32 km/h or 13.87 miles/h), overcoming obstacles, and standing up on two legs!

“With both legs and wheels, our robot outperforms state-of-the-art wheeled delivery platforms as well as lightweight delivery drones. It is the only solution capable of carrying tools, materials, goods, and sensors over long distances with energy efficiency and speed while overcoming challenging obstacles like steps and stairs and enabling seamless navigation in indoor and outdoor urban environments.”

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