Police Accountability protest, Washington DC

3 years ago

@VideoMattPresents goes down the twitter rabbit hole and pulls up footage from the Police Accountability protest, in Washington DC that happen last night also the numerous protest for An’twan Gilmore and George Watson that took place in the D.C. area as well.

Time Stamp Chapters
Chapter. 1 - The New Protest [2:00]
Chapter. 2 - Don't Bring Kids to Protest 101 [7:00]
Chapter. 3 -An’twan Gilmore [16:40]
Chapter. 4- Police Cam Footage Of Shooting An’twan Gilmore[24:00]
Chapter. 5 - Cops Murder Daniel Shaver [38:01]
Chapter. 6 - Black Lives Matter Protestor speaking facts [51:00]
Chapter. 7 - Black Lives Matter Protestor speaking division [59:59]
Chapter. 8 - Police Accountability Protest[1:04:28]
Chapter. 9 - Highly Positive talks Show [1:07:00]
Chapter. 10 - Search For Anunnaki [1:20:00]
Chapter. 11 - Protestor Calling Out D.C Mayor Muriel Bowser [1:31:28]
Chapter. 12 - Everyone wants their own little Greta Thunberg [1:37:01]
Chapter. 13 - Youth inspired by Maxine Waters [1:38:40]

You can help support this channel by donating here if you wish. VMP has had Youtube take away his abilities to run advertisements since his content they claim is to controversial we just thought it was reporting on news. https://streamlabs.com/videomattpresents/tip

VideoMattPresents VENMO @Bakdlikeacake (Donations accepted not needed)

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#Videomattpresents #PoliceAccountabilityprotest #AntwanGilmore

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