When Dangerous Vaccines Are Mandatory

3 years ago

[00:30] Lurch Toward Tyranny (26 minutes)

We’ve witnessed a stunning lurch toward tyranny over the course of the COVID pandemic, and the latest Omicron variant is accelerating that dangerous trend. After recently opening its borders, Israel has reversed course, implementing a complete border closer in response to the variant. In Australia, travelers, or those exposed to COVID, are forced into COVID quarantine camps against their will—even after they test negative for the virus. In Europe, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said it’s time to “think about mandatory vaccination within the European Union.” Why are nations responding to COVID-19 with such draconian, dictatorial measures? As my father wrote in July last year, “The people of Europe are being conditioned to accept more tyrannical leadership.”

[26:25] Pfizer Knew Its Vaccine Would Be Lethal (11 minutes)

The Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency has obtained some initial documents from the FDA regarding the emergency approval status of the Pfizer vaccine. According to one report, there were 1,223 fatalities and 42,086 adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine during a three-month trial between December 2020 and February 2021. One commentator noted that those at Pfizer “actually know and acknowledge that adverse reactions may be underreported.” The real numbers are likely much higher, but Pfizer and their allies in the media have been hiding these real numbers from the public.

[37:40] Bible Study: How the Human Spirit Functions (17 minutes)

“The Holy Spirit,” wrote Herbert W. Armstrong, “is the instrumentality by which we may comprehend that which only God can reveal.” We need God’s Spirit to understand spiritual subjects! In this segment, we look at how the human spirit functions in relation to the divine Spirit of God, which imparts spiritual knowledge.

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