MyCatholicRedPill – Introduction to my Top 40 Red-Pill video clips.

2 years ago

MyCatholicRedPill – Introduction to my Top 40 Red-Pill video clips.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ
I am not only directing this information channel towards my follow Catholics or Christians in unity with our Lord Jesus Christ, but for anyone who wishes to expand their awareness of what is actually going on in our real world around us. The Main Stream Media (MSM) is basically all left-wing propaganda and extremely deceptive with a hidden agenda. We are in a spiritual warfare and at war for humanity. We all need to wake up to what is actually going on before all our freedoms are stripped away.

As of September 2021, in the United States with the population of 330,917,584 (Million), total Covid-19 cases: 3,236,130 with total deaths of 134,572. Less than 1% of Americans have caught COVID-19. Current survival rate is 99.96% of the U.S. population. Why the push for the jab?

As of September 2021, world population of 7,800,000,000 (Billion), total Covid-19 cases: 12,946,731 with total deaths of 569,375. Less than one percent (0.17%) has caught COVID-19. Current survival rate is 99.99% of the global population. Why the push for the jab?

Mainstream media (MSM) portrays President Donald Trump(pro-life) as a buffoon and edits or censors everything he says and does. Yet, it is Trump(pro-life) that is devoted to cleaning up the swamp and exposing the perpetrators. Most of my family and Catholic friends think Trump is an idiot, as they typically only watch MSM, and mostly think Biden (pro-abortion & partial-birth) is so presidential as the MSM protects Biden. Does Hollywood or politics appear normal to you or does something seem out of place? Should we trust politicians or celebrities?

The main underlying issue of importance is our children. The horrific abuse, trafficking and worse and on levels you cannot imagine and is being hidden from view (or hidden in plain view) and with hidden agendas. This includes the hidden agenda regarding the Covid 19, masks and the recent escalations on the eventual mandatory jab of our children of the “Fauci-Ouchie”, even the 6 months to 2 years old category. Hidden satanic cabal agendas regarding partial-birth executions of our children. How can I not warn and speak out now?

Unfortunately, my Top 40 CatholicRedPill list only scratches the surface of what is truly going on along with the child trafficking, pedophilia worldwide and worse. There is something going on much deeper with the swamp elite, politicians, Hollywood, organized religion, and certain celebrity athletes and actors. I believe a sick infiltration has infected the Vatican and God is finally going to call them out. Our present pope supports the Catholic illegitimate president Biden, but states Trump is not a Christian because of his policies defending the southern U.S. border. The Catholic flock is going to demand total transparency and rightful correction in Catholic leadership.

The red-pill to know what is truly going on is hard to swallow, but necessary. Don’t be caught off guard when everything is finally exposed. The choice to know is yours, but better to be psychologically, emotionally and spiritually prepared.

This video is my introduction to a series of mirrored videos carefully researched in a series of important issues recently spurred on from the inaction and lack of leadership of our Catholic Bishops and Cardinals. In fact, I am greatly dishearten and appalled to the sunken level of complacency ignoring the truly important humanitarian crisis of child exploitation and the related global Covid-19 mandates and the human genocide event.

What have you done to my church? I feel betrayed as a Catholic and a servant of Christ. I recently wrote to our local diocese and bishop with my detailed concerns regarding the ridiculous COVID-19 Vaccination Policy and mandates being forced and coerce through fear to the priests and parishes from lack of church leadership from the top down. Disgusting the church can stoop so low to allow Canadian government to dictate Covid-19 ever-changing policies with absolutely no documentation and evidence. I requested supporting documents on October 6, 2021, where are they? Why are they ignoring real counter-evidence and information links I provided?

Here is the redacted version of my October 6, 2021 letter to my local Chancery Office and Bishop and the Ultimate Proof Covid-19 links pdf. You can download these documents from the video description below. Due to the life and death priority of our present situation, please feel free as a Catholic or even a public citizen to use these documents as is or as a template for your own letter expressing your concerns directed to your representing bishop or Parish priest. Within the letter there is an active link to my Top-40 Catholic Red-Pill playlist with dozens of videos of doctor’s testimonies against the COVID-19 jab and mandates.
Also, the ‘Ultimate Proof Covid-19 links.pdf’ contains all the active links and references.

Clearly their position with Covid-19 restrictions and ever tightening mandates our not in our interest, especially our children, and we have to fight back and demand our leaders act. As of today, I have gotten no response from our Chancery Office or any of their supporting documentation I requested. Of course not, there is absolutely no medical evidence whatsoever in favour of the Covid-19 vaccine or mandates. Please share. Marcum

Please check out my Top-40 Catholic Red-Pill, Catholic Related, Covid-19 Related, and Pedophilia/Child Trafficking playlists. (I am working on mirroring my Bitchute account to Rumble…will take a couple of weeks)

Share ‘Bishop2021-10-06(redacted).pdf’

Share ‘Ultimate Proof Covid-19 links.pdf’

Please check out the HUGE "INDEXED" LIBRARY ON THE CRIMINAL COVID-19 HOAX. It's an enormous free resource where you can find out the truth about everything related to COVID-19: Find out the truth about the fraudulent testing procedure, fake case and death numbers, who Dr. Fauci really is, who Bill Gates really is, the truth about the vaccine industry and the dangers of their products and much much more. There's nothing like this resource anywhere on the internet! SHARE IT WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY!

Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law).

Jesus of Nazareth: The Complete Miniseries - 40th Anniversary Edition [Blu-ray] (one of my favorite series and source for a few clips)


“A little birdie told me” Wink! Wink!

Please use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research.

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