No Agenda 1405: No Shields, No Deals - Adam Curry & John C. Dvorak

2 years ago
Executive Producers: Sir Onymous of Dogpatch and Lower Slobbovia, james SCHNEEBERGER, Sir Jimbabwe, Dame Mandy Healer in the Green Mountain State, Dave Fugazzotto Duke of America's Heartland and the Arabian Peninsula, Umami Mama and Papa!, Steve, Sir BNAdstra, Knight of the Nashville Aerodromes, Sir Anthonyseven, Viscount of Hamilton, Sean, Marcus Kemblowski, Black Knight bigloaf of the BLAZ, Jimmy Walnuts, Charles VandeSande, Amy Hummel
Associate Executive Producers: Sir SemiNorwegian, Jonathan Russell, clark fichtl, Justin Martin, Dame Astrid Duchess of Japan and all the Disputed Islands in the Japan Sea, Nicholas Ferris, Eric Constable, Justin Burket, Sir Dirt Farmer, Sir Don, Baron of New Hampshire
Cover Artist: Mike Riley

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