Άκτιστες Ενέργειες - Οι βιοσένσορες στον εμβολιασμό (11-11-21)

3 years ago

Talk with Arch. Fr. Paisios Papadopoulos and Associate Professor Dr. Ioannis Kypraios (AI for Healthcare and Translational Medicine), UK on 11.11.21.

Biosensors -Introduction:
[1] Bhalla, N., Jolly, P., Formisano, N., & Estrela, P. Introduction to biosensors. Essays in biochemistry, Vol.60(1), pp.1–8, 2016.
[2] Mehrotra, P. Biosensors and their applications - A review. Journal of oral biology and craniofacial research, Vol.6(2), pp.153–159, 2016.
[3] Haleem, A., Javaid, M., Singh, R. P., Suman,R., Rab, S. Biosensors applications in medical field: A brief review. Sensors International, Vol.2(100100), 2021.

Self-Powered Biosensors:
[1] Grattieri, M., Minteer, S. D., Self-Powered Biosensors. ACS Sens. Vol.3, Issue 1, pp.44-53, 2018.
[2] Zhang, S., Cicoira, F., Flexible self-powered biosensors. Nature, Vol.561, pp.466-467, 2018.
[3] Roy, B. G., Rutherford, J. L., Weaver A. E., Beaver, K., Rasmussen, M. A Self-Powered Biosensor for the Detection of Glutathione. Biosensors. Vol.10(9):114, 2020.

Implantable Biosensors:
[1] Gray M., Meehan J., Ward C., Langdon S. P., Kunkler I. H., Murray A., Argyle D. Implantable biosensors and their contribution to the future of precision medicine. Vet J., Vol.239:21-29, 2018.
[2] Scholten, K., Meng, E. A review of implantable biosensors for closed-loop glucose control and other drug delivery applications. Int J Pharm. Vol.544(2), pp.319-334, 2018.

Magnetic Biosensors:
[1] Haizhou, H., Shi, S., Nan, W., Hao, W., Shu, W., Hengchang, B., Litao, S., Graphene-Based Sensors for Human Health Monitoring. Frontiers in Chemistry, Vol.7, pp.399, 2019.
[2] Medhi, R., Srinoi, P., Liu, T., Tran, H.-V., Marquez, M. D., Lee, T. R., Synthesis of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biosensing, Material Matters, 14.4, 2020.

Biosensors and Frequencies:
[1] Afroz, S., Thomas, S. W., Mumcu, G., and Saddow, S. E. Implantable SiC based RF antenna biosensor for continuous glucose monitoring. Proc. of IEEE Sensors, pp.1-4, 2013.
[2] Mehrotra, P., Chatterjee, B., & Sen, S. EM-Wave Biosensors: A Review of RF, Microwave, mm-Wave and Optical Sensing. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), Vol.19(5), pp.1013, 2019.

Protein Scaffolding:
[1] Toyama, B. H., Savas, J. N., Park, S. K., Harris, M. S., Ingolia, N. T., Yates, J. R., 3rd, & Hetzer, M. W. Identification of long-lived proteins reveals exceptional stability of essential cellular structures. Cell, Vol.154, No.5, pp.971–982, 2020.

AI and Biosensors:
[1] Xiaofeng, J., Liu, C., Xu, T., Su, L., Zhang, X. Artificial intelligence biosensors: Challenges and prospects. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol.165, 2020.

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