Episode 46 (Dec. 4, 2021) - Major News Headlines and Commentary

3 years ago

- COVID (vaccines, Omicron variant, mandates, effectiveness of therapeutics)
- Economy (weak jobs report)
- Immigration (dangerous people and drugs flowing across the border)
- Pornography returning to library shelves in Virginia (weak school board)
- Mississippi Abortion Case (U.S. Supreme Court seems poised to possibly overturn Roe v. Wade)
- Stop-gap Funding Bill
- Waukesha, WI terror (the danger of "bail reform" sweeping the nation)
- Russia/Ukraine (Russia amassing troops to likely invade Ukraine; will China do the same thing with Taiwan? And, what will Biden do?)
- Rasmussen poll results (COVID and Christmas; large pharmaceuticals; "Build Back Better" bill; COVID vaccines; Biden's weakening approval ratings)
- Video - Reince Priebus, quoting Saul Alinsky, explains the intent of the radical left to weaken, enslave, in-debt our nation to establish socialism/Marxism

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