Feelings, recovery and the Alexander Technique (12-5-21)

3 years ago

Alexander Technique and Beauty: https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=40410 "When we stop interfering with ourselves, when we stop pulling down and in, when we stop unnecessarily holding ourselves, when we let go of needless stiffness and tension, then our real selves can blossom. One of the major areas of the body where people hold excess tension is in the face. A tense face is not attractive. By contrast, when people stop furrowing their brows and tensing around the eyes and lips and jaw, then they can come alive. It’s intoxicating to talk to a person who’s alive to the present moment and you can see their thoughts and feelings write themselves across their face."

Psycho-therapist and Alexander Technique teacher Anthony Kingsley tells Robert Rickover: “Alexander Technique develops capacities for stillness, non-reactivity and inhibition, the capacity to not rush ahead and finish people’s sentences.”

“The pupil can say, ahh, I know I’m really holding myself, I’m gripping my jaw, I’m tightening my neck as a way of not feeling anxious or sad. I might bite my upper lip to not cry. I might tighten my breathing to not feel alarmed. I may hold my shoulders hunched and compressed as a way of not feeling my own anger. Alexander Technique makes a direct link between emotions and physical manifestations of emotion.” https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=35977

How I discovered Alexander Technique: https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=33873
How The Alexander Technique Can Help With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=39575
The emotional significance of touch: https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=17715

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