War Room, Dr. Navarro discusses with Dr. Robert Malone the ‘leaky’ COVID-19 Vaccine

2 years ago

So what is driving these virus mutations? The virus that is able to survive in vaccinated people are going to mutate into a variant that can bypass the vaccine protection, aka the leaky shots. I think the conditioning is starting to break even Trevor Noah is pointing out how Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson all stand to make 100s of millions of dollars in profit as a result of vaccination mandates. Mad Money Jim Cramer suggesting to use the military to force vaccine mandates over a false accusation against unvaccinated individuals. What he said was quite dangerous and it is a radical and dangerous stance of having the military run it and then say you have to go to court to prove you’re a conscientious objector? What? So now the unvaccinated are untouchable now. Here is the first step, we don’t have a ‘vaccine’ in a sense we have the polio vaccine and measles vaccine. What is developed with these mRNA technologies would be nondurable but the silver bullet should be therapeutics and preventive measures instead. And the one thing we have to aware of is breeding enhanced viruses through leaky vaccines. Don’t forget that the Biden’s administration to do a universal vaccine rollout is actually hurting the American economy because it is causing layoffs and terminations of employees. And now Dr. Malone is laying down a study that shows myocarditis occurring 1 in 27,000 boys. This is a huge number! Why then are the most sophisticated countries on the planet earth Austria and Germany are starting to mandate vaccines for ALL CITIZENTS beginning in February? Dr. Robert Malone says that he doesn’t understand this horrible public policy, these people don’t understand what is happening or maybe they are just corrupted and as a result we have government officials and the mainstream media spouting nonsense. The only way out of this and to get to herd immunity is to only vaccinate the most vulnerable and then flood the zone with low cost therapeutics, and don’t use remdesivir because apparently that can cause sepsis and kidney failure. It is clear to people paying attention that where we are heading is to an authoritarian role of government worldwide. Germany is putting up legislation in February for mandatory vaccination. This is only going to get worse people!

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