3 years ago

Hard to believe that the evil criminally treasonous demond rats, and obummer, could get away with an imposter VP twice, and now an imposter/usurper Prez. The real Biden was stuffed 13 years ago and has most probably been dead for around three years. How an entire country can be so blind, and unobservant, to even comprehend what's happening in their own country, belies all belief. The demond rats have been aided and abetted by all demo craps, the mainstream media and big tech and pharma, the deep state and or cabal, all 17 so called American security agencies, and the republican rhinos as well. This is without doubt the greatest political treason case, in the history of the entire world. On a scale of 1-10, having the evil criminally treasonous, demon rats, steal an election fraudulently, rates about a 1-4. But putting in an imposter, for 12-13 years, definitely rates a 10 out of 10. All those involved, plus every one, who just knew about the fraud, and said nothing, are all culpable, and up for treason. Treason attracts the death penalty, by firing squad ( just re introduced by Trump and many states have followed suit.) and or, as killary so accurately predicted. "You bastards had better fix this or we are all for the noose"

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