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Reporter shouts at Psaki, accuses her of lying about Omicron travel restrictions

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Psaki has repeatedly defended the travel restrictions this week, even as one reporter pointed out the lack of restrictions on travel to European countries where the Omicron variant may have been present before South African scientists revealed its existence to the world.

“I guess I’m just trying to understand why if one person, let’s say in Germany or somewhere else, gets on a plane and comes to the United States, isn’t that person — just as likely to have the variant end up in the United States? Could you just talk a little bit more about the science behind the reasoning there?” PBS’ Yamiche Alcindor asked Monday.

“Well, I think the larger point, Yamiche, is that it is a much larger spread in South Africa than it is at this point in Europe and other countries,” Psaki explained. “We will continue to assess if there are additional restrictions that need to be put in place.”

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