Getting Into The Right Business Part 2 The Universes University

3 years ago

In this video series I will explain ways you can get into a business or career you truly want, not just one you were qualified for earlier in life or if you are just starting out getting into what you truly want to do. This follows the advice of Wallace Wattles in his classic book "The Science Of Getting Rich". Which is available as a free ebook or free ecourse on my website

So how do we start going about getting into the right business? We start by learning all there is to know about our particular field of business. We research it, read books on it, watch videos on it. Start by absorbing as and gaining as much knowledge as we can on it. For instance if we read and research our particular field for one hour a day, inside a year we will be an authority on the topic of interest. If we spend two hours a day researching our topic, we will be an expert on that topic, and if we spend three hours a day researching our topic we will be a master of it.

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