Pastor Mark Sayers: More People Are Dying From Tylenol Than COVID Vaccines

3 years ago

Pastor and author Mark Sayers of the Melbourne, Australia-area Red Church spreads misinformation about coronavirus vaccines in this November interview with Preston Sprinkle, asserting without evidence that fewer people are dying from these inoculations than from common household medications like Tylenol and foods like peanut butter.


PRESTON SPRINKLE: I've heard someone say that people are dying from the vaccine. Is that, i've heard that from a few different people. I've never seen studies or anything, but is that, has there been cases of that?

MARK SAYERS: There have, some people have passed away, but it's your one in millions, just as people pass away from Tylenol at higher numbers. So, there are people who have passed away from peanut butter. And so there's a tiny, tiny percentage, some of that's been overplayed.

But the amount, the death rate, compared to the, to the, to the actual, you know, that's, it's, it's utterly incomparable. So there's, there's chances in a million, but you got more chance. There's a great graphic someone did here of, you know, basically going to get your shot. And, you know, you are thousands of times more likely to fall out of bed and die that morning on your way to the shot and get hit by lightning and get struck by a falling plane uh than you were to die with the vaccine.

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