Mobile Home Flooring - Things to Watch Particle Board Problems

3 years ago

If you have a leak in your mobile home, there are several things you need to watch for. Phil goes through each thing to watch for and ways to improve them.

Particle board is more common in mobile homes, but you can have them in houses too.

00:00 Follow Along with a handyman, repairman
00:25 What happens when you have a water leak in mobile home floors
00:56 The water spreads because of the particle board
01:09 It will continue to spread - want to remove all the damage
01:32 Just take it all out and replace or will keep having problems with your floors
01:49 Paint the floor, doesn't matter with what, just cover it
02:00 He shows where the particle board is a problem by the sink
02:15 These are things to be smart about, save time and money
02:30 Paint the floor, not a bad idea to paint with plywood too
02:54 We're Not Ameri'can'ts' we're Ameri'cans'

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