(building your own) PRISON - A song by Angry North & Boris's Bitches

3 years ago

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What to say about this song...

It's written to humanity, about its current situation. But picture a middle aged, middle class professional, probably born in the 60's who lives in a nice house in a nice town, village or suburb.

They've lived through the most free and prosperous time in modern history by far. Everything has come quite easy to them and, so far, that seems set to continue.

They (still!?!?!) believe they'll get "back to normal" soon if everybody just follows the rules, and takes the vaccine, etc like them.

About lockdown and the covid restrictions this person might say "I'm fine with what the government has done... my life is fine and I approve of every step the government has taken". They might even say that government didn't do enough or acted to slowly. FFS...

Such people have completely taken western freedoms for granted. Most of them still don't realise or care what it will mean to lose them.

They have been turned into dumb animals, and perhaps this is largely because they're been spoilt. They had it too easy.

"Dumbed down and softened so long, they don't think that tyranny's wrong." to quote another song.

I kind of wondered: why WERE the populations of western countries allowed this human lifetime's worth of relative freedom and prosperity?

Well, I wonder if it was partly to soften them up mentally and morally, perhaps so that they wouldn't realise that they were helping to build a permanent technological infrastructure that would guarantee their enslavement.

Or, to put it more simply, they were given a few treats to keep them happy, productive and compliant while they were...

Building Their Own Prison.


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