Leather Tooling - 2 of 4 Tony Allen Bernier's Liquid Multiverse

3 years ago

Some time lapse footage of my process. I sped things up to 300% but didn't go too fast so that my technique is still noticeable. You can also adjust the speed playback in YouTube if you'd like.
More videos and leatherworking patterns on my YouTube channel.

This piece is the featured cover art on the Leather Crafters and Saddlers Journal July/August 2018 issue.

To find the custom modeling tools, patterns, or my instructional products they can be found in my Etsy shop.

To see more of my work check me out on some of the various social media.

Thanks for checking out my video.

Under no circumstances will the video creator be responsible for damages, or anything else resulting from injury or otherwise. Use at your own risk.
This disclosure lets users know that anything that happens after following advice or using creators videos, patterns, or tools, on this channel
or anywhere else, is the responsibility of the viewer. This video content and patterns have been made available for informational and educational purposes only.

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