3 years ago

Global Socialist Eco Political cultism of multilaralism has become threatened by increasing Nationalism worldwide, as patriots who are loyal to their country in theirs 100,000's march, protest in opposition to socialist dictatorships worldwide.

June 13th 2019 the World Economic forum that represents Stakeholder Capitalist Corporations, Big Tech, Big Pharma, World Governments, NGO's, Royalty the insanely rich of Silicon Valley officially signed a partnership agreement with the United Nations (UN).

Hence a public-private corporate governance exists, the goal is to accelerate UN Agenda 2030's 17 Global Development Goals that will impact on everyone, everywhere at every age. Leave No-one Behind.

UN Agenda 2030 17 SDGs (global goals). 17 out of 17 involve climate alarmism- the bludgeoning of fear upon population, a premature horrific ending to peoples lives.

14 out of 14 UN Global Goals includes Vaccine (The UN Global Strategy of Vaccines 2011-2020) 2020-2030 the Decade of Vaccines. Leave no-one behind, everyone, everywhere at every age.

Never let a good crisis go to waste Comrade Ardern. Compliant ot not you still lose your freedoms, yet today some-one was deliriously happy. It was not their birthday, it was not that persons birthday.. she was celebrating Freedoms Day the Traffic Light System. Insanity..mass hypnosis...' Fear is a Liar'. God Save New Zealand

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