Lt General Flynn & Lin Wood “Qanon Is a Disinformation Campaign".

3 years ago

Lt General Flynn & Lin Wood “Qanon Is a Disinformation Campaign".

"The CIA sews misinformation into real information to discredit the author and the real information". Simple old tactic but effective tactic.

Keep in mind that some police have interviewed now grown people who were trafficked in the 1980s. They swear that Flynn was the one responsible.

It should also be mentioned that Lynn Wood has been accused of not only ripping off millions from Kyle Rittenhouse's donation funds, but that he used Kyle to further his own political agendas. That my friends is the worst thing an attorney could do!

I no longer trust either one of these guys. As far as I know, they are just distancing themselves from their own Q operation by blaming the CIA. I think many psyops are using and hiding behind the old Q program.

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