DIY.. Hot rods,Thunder rods,Blast Sticks all alternatives to the ever lov'in drumsticks.

5 years ago

This is another, Do it Yourself video on creating your own type of alternative drum stick. Customize your own Hot Rod or Thunder Rod sticks BRUSHES..
I got so tired of picking up Hot rods, blast sticks and brush type of sticks and dropping $15.00 dollars a pop only to watch them break apart and disintegrate in my hands in the middle of a song. I do love those products and in a pinch when the volume needs to come down but the intensity still needs to persist I'm glad to find them in my stick bag.
If you can make your own I always say" then go ahead and make your own", In this video I located a package of barbecue shish kabob sticks (12 inch) and started figuring out how to keep them together without falling apart . All it takes is some glue, twine, time and a little elbow grease and will save you tons of money in the long run.

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