Let,s talk about freedom (speech)

2 years ago

Here is a speech i gave in seattle on December 1st at West Lake Park on 4th and pine.

Written Speech:

People (pause)
Have forgotten what it means to be free.

You have forgotten what it means to be free!

If your freedom consist of comply or die, than you are not free. You are a slave!

These mandates violate your civil rights, your amendments, the supremacy clause, and the Nuremberg code. If you do not have rights to your own body, than how can you say, that you have any freedom at all? In todays times we’re not segregated or discriminated against by the color were born with. We’re attacked solely on our medical status and this needs to end!

Discrimination is discrimination, no matter what form, its presented in!

They want your compliance but have never worked to earn your trust.
They want you too listen, but i think its time to shut off the program.
They want you to keep getting vaccines but i think its time for them to prove they are effective.

We deserve better from the leaders who represent us and should hold them accountable when they take actions against us.

Its been 2 years and one thing is very clear. These mask and vaccines, have not been effective! If they want our freedom than i have one thing to say for all those listening “over, my dead body”!

My family and yours, should have the right to say no, without hindrance from a government that gets paid by us, to protect those very freedoms. These mandates are against everything, america is supposed to stand for, what our friends and family have fought for. If we choose to do nothing than it will get worse. Its up to us, to each and everyone of you, to make that difference.

Please help me. Help yourselves. Help our children, and there children so that they, can have a better future. Because it’s not about us. Its about them!

It always has been. Fight for a better world, its worth fighting for!

Thank you everyone. My name is KingWolf
And it is, (time, to change the world)!

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