Batman v Superman & Iron Man 2 Are The Same Movie (feat. BVS Iron Man 2 trailer)

3 years ago

If you analyze the Batman v Superman Trailer again... you might find it has a lot of things in common with a little film called...
Iron Man 2 ???
Yes... it's kind of weird, but kind of true. Is it coincidence? Maybe it's inevitable? Whatever it is, it's fun to draw the parallels.

Batman v Superman is actually even positioned in the DC movie universe in about the same spot as Iron Man 2 was in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. (Sure, there was The Incredible Hulk, but that one didn't count for much.)

So is Warner Bros copying Marvel Entertainment on a higher level than just making there own connected universe?

Reupload from Youtube :

What do you think of what we've seen of BvS so far? Will it be as divisive as Man of Steel was? Comment Below!

News, speculation, comics, doomsday.

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