Sermon: The Trump Card by Walter Veith

2 years ago

The final sermon from a short series, comprising four sermons, presented by Walter Veith.

(This is a very insightful sermon - even retrospectively, considering Biden has filled the shoes of Trump. Both have primary roles in the fulfillment of prophecy, with the merging of Church & State.)

Has the Trump campaign brought us any closer to the fulfillment of prophecy?

With the election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States, prophecy can finally reach the point of fulfillment, when Church and State comes together to enact laws which are contrary to the laws of God, but which favour the first beast of Revelation 13.

Then these events can take place, and we are told that the last events will be rapid ones. Is it possible that we are seeing the fulfillment of prophecy and that Jesus will be coming soon on the clouds of heaven?

With Thanks to AD Africa for permitting the redistribution of this material via The Loud Cry on rumble( & Truth and Peace on YouTube(

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