He Is The Antichrist- Obama Dream 11/5/21

2 years ago

Since 2017 the Holy Spirit has been telling me that Obama would be the Antichrist so I could include end times when I was evangelizing. Born again in March 2005, I have been sharing the gospel using the Living Waters channel on YouTube method. If you don't know you have repented of sins like sexual immorality, lying, stealing, murderous thoughts/hatred, idolatry of loving anyone more than Jesus, you can humble yourself and ask Jesus to forgive you and give you a brand new heart and mind that loves Him and wants to obey Him. Then you can go to heaven with me in the pre-Tribulation rapture. Read your Bible every day until it happens to spend time with Jesus living the "born again" life (John 3). John is a great place to start and read Revelation too! You can get a Bible online at www.biblegateway.com and read KJV or NLT. Please check out my YouTube channel which has a lot of content and its playlists. Jesus is Lord, and He is coming soon.

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