Born of the Spirit

2 years ago

Salvation and the natural birth process
The natural birth process is spoken of in John chapter 3 where Nicodemus is being instructed by Christ on how you must be born first... before you can be born from above.
I’ll say it again...You must be born first, before you can be "born from above". Christ goes on to reiterate by saying; Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit...The bag of water to be more specific and then the Spirit. He cannot see the Kingdom of God.
“Born from above” is a reference to where your spirit comes from. Your spirit was in heaven before it was placed in your mother’s womb. It was conceived by God long before it was placed there.
The placenta first...the Spirit second, in that order. Not like the angels of Genesis 6 who bypassed the natural birth process.
The placenta is terrestrial and the Spirit is Celestial according to 1 Corinthians 15. You are born with both. Being saved means you acknowledge the plan of salvation and confess that to others.
Your eyes are then opened to that spiritual man inside of you and all things become new. You are now born of the Spirit. You will truly see the world in a different way. You turned the switch on.
You will never see the Kingdom of God unless you do it naturally and according to His plan for mankind.
If the devil can stop this natural birth process he has succeeded, but God will not allow it.
The assault on procreation started back in the 60s called the sexual revolution. 1973 and roe V wade was a turning point. 2015 was also a turning point when homo marriage was legalized. FF to today. People can identify as a hamster and it’s acceptable. They say there are over 20 different sexual identities and 5 year old kids can decide what sex they want to be. You can marry a cat if you want to. Now they are in the process of normalizing pedophiles. It’s absolutely insane and people are just sitting on their duff and doing nothing.
Our own government is pushing this insanity. They no longer consider male or female to be genders. They are changing the way society looks at procreation in an effort to sway them toward this new utopia they want to create. There will be no gender. You will be their slave. God will be out of the picture. There will be no more souls born naturally…according to their plan.
Welcome to the Metaverse where you will become nothing more than a slave. Your thoughts will not be your own but part of a collective. You will become nothing more than a circuit on a circuit board in this new electronic panopticon utopia.
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