We Love Watching Dolphin So Does They Love To Play With Us

2 years ago

If you're wondering why I love Dolphin Show, this video is for you. Discover the benefits of experiencing dolphins in their natural habitat and what you need to know before getting close with wildlife.

Even though they live in the ocean all of the time, dolphins are mammals, not fish. Like every mammal, dolphins are warm-blooded.

Unlike fish, who breathe through gills, dolphins breathe air using their lungs. Dolphins must make frequent trips to the surface of the water to catch a breath.

As per aquaworld dot com, there are many exciting facts about the dolphin. Dolphins are mammals known for their friendliness. There are over 40 species of dolphins, the most common being the Bottlenose dolphin. Fifteen of them are as follows :

1. They stick with their mothers for a long time
It is in the nature of the dolphins to stick with their mothers for a long time before they leave their pack. Some stay with their mothers for 3 or even 8 years!

2. Dolphins have 2 stomachs
One is used for the storage of food, and the other is used for digestion.

3. They dive up to 1,000 feet
Dolphins are known to be great divers. Being creatures of the sea, they can dive up to 1,000 feet underwater.

4. Dolphins can live up to 50 years!
Even though the average lifespan of dolphins is about 17 years, some can even live up to 50 years!

5. There are around 40 species of dolphins
There are many types of dolphins, around 40 different species.
While the majority of them spend their lives in saltwater, many can survive just fine in freshwater. The smallest of their kind is 3-4 feet long, while the largest is 30 feet!

6. Dolphins help the sick or injured members
These caring creatures are often seen tending to the sick, the old and the injured in their group, which is known as 'pod'.

7. Extremely intelligent animals
They are not only the friendliest or caring creatures but also the most intelligent ones.

It is believed by scientists that if you compare the ratio size of the brain to the body. Dolphins take the 2nd place right after the humans!

8. Dolphins never chew their food
Dolphins never chew their food; they swallow it as a whole. Their teeth are used only to catch their prey.

9. They give themselves names
It has been proved by scientists that dolphins give themselves names. They develop their own individual whistles, and they recognize theirs and other dolphins' names.

10. They sleep with only half their brain
When they are asleep, one part of their brain remains alert and awake. This keeps them safe from potential predators and enables them to breathe while sleeping.

11. Dolphins are very friendly to humans and animals
They love to play with members of their pods and are friendly to even humans. They are often seen playing and teasing other animals living underwater.

12. Killer whales are the biggest kind of dolphin
Opposite to their name, Killer Whales belong to the dolphin family. Killer Whales, reaching up to a length of 30 feet, are the biggest of their kind.

13. Dolphins can migrate if they don't have enough food
Not known to many, Dolphins can migrate if their needs of food are not met. Even though they are not migratory animals, they will move to places where they have enough food and the climatic conditions are suitable to their body temperatures.

14. They have delicate skin but heal quickly
Dolphins have very delicate skin, getting injured at the slightest touch of a hard surface. However, due to their fast healing attribute, even the deepest of wounds can be healed within a short time.

15. Some can swim at 20 miles per hour
They can swim at the rate of 3 to 7 miles per hour. Some exceed that and travel at the speed of 20 miles per hour.

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