Jen Psaki caught lying again why does the Brandon administration lie to Americans on a daily basis source below

2 years ago

I get fake democrat paid propaganda media cnn hates. President Trump & has pushed fake news story after fake news story. This is also why their ratings took a downhill spiral in the ratings.
But these daily lies from the Brandon administration is so outrageous that they are easily proven in seconds to be lies.
The part that makes me laugh at this 💩 show of the Brandon administration is that I was able to use a fake narrative pushed by cnn. Where Dr. Debra Brix debunked on their own joke of a network.
what is sad the lies of the Brandon administration has becom so poorly put out there by comrade Jen Psaki that now cnn news clips expose her for the liar she is.


right off cnn twitter page 4 26 2000

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