Diving Deep on Terrain Theory - Drs Kaufman, Cowan and Young - 72777

2 years ago

Alec Zeck & Dr. Steph Young talk with Dr. Thomas Cowan & Dr. Andrew Kaufman on the truth about Germ Theory -vs- Terrain Theory
- What "antibodies" REALLY are.
- What antibodies really mean when you have them.
- Why is the NEWS media now reporting that the hospitals are being overwhelmed by nonvaccinated sick people? (I just love the answer to this one because it is so very damning - and once you hear what "they" are doing here, it'll take your feet out from under you.)

- What does "pathogenic priming" REALLY mean?
- So if "contagious viruses" don't exist, then what explains the phenomenon of many people being sick in the same location?

- Is "shedding" really happening?

- Why do "they" keep claiming there are new "variants"? (you'll really want to pay attention to this one.)
- Since it's now obvious to those of us who look at the real research that not only germ/virus theory but also the methods and procedures used within that dogma are wrong, how it it that so many doctors and scientists still operate as it it's real?

- Once nailed-down to the fact that NO "viruses" have ever been isolated and asked why not, "virologists" say that it's because there are not enough"viable" "virus" fragments in lung fluids or mucus to ever find a completely intact "virus" to isolate... (I'd like the intelligent people reading this to think about that for a minute - there's a question which should immediately occur to you.)

- The most important part about the ferret study story by Dr Cowan is that the ferrets died, BUT ONLY AFTER the study and not because they were sick but because the "scientists" intentionally killed them to further study their tissues. I think that most people miss that very important point and I think the doctors merely assume that people get it. "they" site the ferret study to support "their" DOGMA, yet the reality is that if an intelligent person looks at the study one can clearly see that it does the opposite.

- "symptoms are our body trying to adjust to disease, and then we thwart that process with drugs and then call that 'medicine'"

- Fun FACT - Over 70,000 healthcare workers in New York alone simply REFUSE to take the "Covid-19" "vaccination" JAB. A very large portion of them have already lost their jobs because of it. (Now you must ask, what do these HEALTHCARE workers KNOW??? You gotta ask.)

- also, many states have taken this so-called "mandate" to the Courts and have received rulings which allowed them to relax the mandate for healthcare workers in their states because they FOR-KNEW that most of their healthcare workers would refuse the jab and it would essentially shut-down many if not all hospitals because of a lack of healthcare workers...


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