Stop the Vax Mandates!!!, 3731

2 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the pandemic.

With every passing day, it becomes more and more clear that vaxing is not the solution to the ever-growing hysteria about the pandemic’s latest variant.

It’s really medicine 101 - when you create a vax that only kills off the weakest aspects of a virus, you get what - only the strongest strains of the virus remain to continue to reinfect the population.

That’s why physicians once upon a time used to test the long-term effects of vaccines before releasing them to the public. But that was in the distant, dark past – before Dr. Grouchy started advising President Trump.

So now, our most important concern is the vax makers, not the virus. Yes, the latest strain of virus is very concerning, but if the human race is somehow able to survive all of this - we will eventually see that the vax makers made our situation worse, not better.

The latest study is a huge one. It comes from researchers in Qatar, where a group of 353,000 people who were infected with COVID-19 disease were followed for 14 months from Feb. 28 through April 28 2021.

With nearly 3 million people, Qatar is one of the most immunized places in the world with fully-vaccinated rates near 80%.

The study found that after the second jab of the Pfizer-BioNTech vax, protection against the COVID virus rapidly wanes. So, by the end of the study at the end of April of this year, over 1/3 of those studied had suffered breakthrough COVID infections.

As the editors of TrialSite News said concerning this new study

“With a breakthrough infection rate over a third, this means potentially, even in a fully vaccinated populated population, millions of people will be serving as vectors in any given large population.”

“So as authorities declare, the vaccine exists to stop the viral spread and hence contribute to the pursuit of herd immunity, that just isn’t the case based on the unfolding data.”

Then the TrialSite editors highlight the real issue involved in the ongoing vaccine debate.

“Industry [Big Pharma] will obviously tend to view the data from the lens of what is of greatest financial interest—meaning mass boosters, which of course, lead to far greater product sales.”

Prof. Peter McCoullough, widely known as the world’s most published researcher on COVID, agrees and hammered the truth home on a recent TrialSite News interview.

I’m still reporting from just outside the soon-to-be restored citadel of world freedom. Good day.

Federal prosecutors hit Pfizer Inc. with a record-breaking $2.3 billion in fines Wednesday and called the world’s largest drugmaker a repeating corporate cheat for illegal drug promotions that plied doctors with free golf, massages, and resort junkets.
Announcing the penalty as a warning to all drug manufacturers, Justice Department officials said the overall settlement is the largest ever paid by a drug company for alleged violations of federal drug rules, and the $1.2 billion criminal fine is the largest ever in any U.S. criminal case. The total includes $1 billion in civil penalties and a $100 million criminal forfeiture.
Authorities called Pfizer a repeat offender, noting it is the company’s fourth such settlement of government charges in the last decade. The allegations surround the marketing of 13 different drugs, including big sellers such as Viagra, Zoloft, and Lipitor.
As part of its illegal marketing, Pfizer invited doctors to consultant meetings at resort locations, paying their expenses and providing perks, prosecutors said.
“They were entertained with golf, massages, and other activities,” said Mike Loucks, the U.S. attorney in Massachusetts.
Loucks said that even as Pfizer was negotiating deals on past misconduct, they were continuing to violate the very same laws with other drugs.
To prevent backsliding this time, Pfizer’s conduct will be specially monitored by the Health and Human Service Department inspector general for five years.
In an unusual twist, the head of the Justice Department, Attorney General Eric Holder, did not participate in the record settlement, because he had represented Pfizer on these issues while in private practice.

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