A nanotechnology bioweapon employed to destroy blood vessels

2 years ago

German Doctor whistleblower and graphene nanotechnology expert-professional Doctor Andreas Noack may have been murdered following the release of this highly technical and scientific expose' of the technocratic cabal. According to his wife, he died in a confrontation with German secret police after certain discussion with other agencies. He might alternatively have disappeared for particular 'safety' reasons.

Doctor Andreas Noack created a video exposing graphene oxide in graphene hydroxide form and which is found inside the vaccines. He explains how this nanotechnology damages the human body through direct blood-flow injection, causing basically irreversible cardiovascular damage and injury in the linked video.

Graphene oxide was found in all of the vaccines, it forms a structure in the bloodstream approximately 50nm wide and 0.1 nm thick, and are able to cut into blood carrying organs and tissue like razor blades due technically to the 'free electron transport' of the hydroxy biochemistry. The effect on the bloodstream and blood vessels is cumulative. Especially rapid blood-flow, requiring increased work rates of the heart and as necessary in strenuous sport or exercise can result in rapid destruction of the cardiovascular system, resulting in myocarditis, sudden heart attacks and similar life threatening diseases.

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