Does Prayer Get Divvied Up Between Intentions… Thus Diluting The 'Fruit' Of Prayer?

3 years ago

This week on A Podcast About Catholic Things, Eric (The Ambassador of Common Sense) and Dan (The Ambassador of Nonsense) talk about the fruits of prayer, the number of prayer intentions, and whether one effects the other. For example, if a man prays for two things, and offers something up for that, does whatever merit he have get divided between the intentions, like a piece of pie? This is a question that isn't directly answered anywhere in Catholic doctrine, and is rarely even discussed in Catholic theology.

In current events, Pope Francis appoints his vicar general, who outlaws all things traditional in Rome this Easter. 24 nations at COP26 pledge to eliminate gas cars. They also agree to 'fight' climate change. H5N8 continues to spread. Home care workers are fired or resign because of vaccine mandate. European Commission after Portugal for air emissions. Earthquake strikes in Iran, man dies from pole. Biden signs infrastructure bill into law. Russia creates space-junk cloud, dangerous for ISS. Saturn's 83rd moon discovered. Gas prices soar in UK. Brittan backing Ukraine instead of Russia.

In the world of nonsense bottle travels across ocean in 6 years. Animals recued on TikTok. Mayor passes around sexting photos of ex. Giant buck goes to church. Yoga teacher arrested in Russia.

Saint of the Week: Saints Agape, Irene, and Chionia

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