Brian Regal PhD | Pseudoscience, Crackpots, Nutty Beliefs, None of it is Real

4 years ago

Daniel is taking a very different approach with this episode. He decided to question everything including his own beliefs in the fringe. He invited a skeptic on End of Days Radio. Not only that but one of the best skeptics in the world, Brian Regal Ph.D.

Brian Regal is an American historian of science, skeptic and writer. He is an associate professor of the history of science at Kean University in New Jersey.

Regal is the author of Searching for Sasquatch: Crackpots, Eggheads and Cryptozoology a scholarly study on cryptozoology. He has also written on the history of the Jersey Devil.

Daniel asks Brian about everything he can think of. From Gun Control to Socialism, we explore everything here and get some very unique insights from Brian. We learn about how and why strange beliefs can be created when Brian gives us his excellent Jersey Devil story.

While Brian has beliefs very different from Daniel. Daniel still has a great time talking to Brian.

Daniel comes back and complains about celebrities. Then he takes a call from Al which turns out to be a lot of fun.

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