How to find someone as our Foe or friend?

2 years ago

Every one that commits sin is the bondservant of sin (John 8:34)
For the wages of sin is death (Roman 6:23)
The sting of death is sin;(1 Corinthian 15:56)
Only by accepting the laws, the truth can we find true foes and true friend, and we'll prevail!

our foes are those who tell us God’s words are not true, and sins have no consequences. Some even tell us Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so it’s ok for us to sin, as we’re humans .These all our foes and tempt us by satisfying our flesh to sin, so that we’re punished by sins. They are malicious and want us be destroyed not only on earth but also in Hell as well!

our friends are those who tell us God’s words are true, and sins have consequences. They will be our example to seek holy life. They’ll encourage us when we’re sad and comfort us by God’s words, which show mercy to true repentance. They lead us to read Bible and obey God’s words.

Sins, sins, sins surely lead us to death!!! Like A, if we refuse to accept the law, we’re fools and will be dragged to destruction by our sins! We’ll treat our foes as friends, and friends as foes. Such a tragedy for us!!!
Neither power nor wealth, nor anything else can save us from destruction of our sins. Only being far away from sin through the leading of the Holy Spirit does we’re save from destruction. This is the true salvation from our Lord Jesus!!!

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