11.28.2021: We Preach Jesus

2 years ago

We Preach Jesus
Dr. Gary Denbow
2 Corinthians 4:1-7
It is safe to say that nothing in Paul’s life meant as much to him as the call that Jesus gave to him on the Road to Damascus. He had been chosen to know God’s will, to see the Lord Jesus Christ, and to hear the voice of God. He had been sent to be a witness of all that he had seen and heard.

Verse 2: The Christian life must be lived out in the sight of all.
1. Renounce hidden works of shame
2. Must not walk in craftiness
3. Must not handle the Word of God deceitfully
4. Preach truth of God’s Word with heart of dedication to Him.

Verse 3-4: There is a concentrated effort to oppose the Gospel.
1. Blinding people from seeing the truth
2. Keeping people from believing truth by using lies.
3. Blocking the light of the Gospel

Compare this to Jesus. He is the glorious Christ who opens the eyes of the blind. He instills faith in us. He shines forth the light so that all may see the glory of God.
Verse 5: We preach Jesus. Every person has a calling and has received mercy to complete that calling.
1. The great Commission (Matt 28:19, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:44)
2. The Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-40)
Verse 6: Paul believed in Jesus as SAVIOR.

Verse 7: The Application

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