the man in my head won't ever shut up cos i'm still a woman

3 years ago

if you're still watching no matter how redundant thank you
every time i get it goin, i gotta add sumin that ruins it
did yawl hear that shit, we have fun in these fits of rage
back to the song now, fuck that truck
meow meow meow
don't consider myself to be a musician
it i'm a musician i am a pretty piss poor one
you're the most wise when you stop concerning yourself with how good it sounds
allow it to be whatever it has to be and it's good enough
so very true baptist church
a church billboard will get me thru my day
hate organized religion and we are studying orthodoxy
all becuz of God
God does not love that but He puts up with it
so tempting to fuck it up, adding on for the purpose of complication
a pill for every additional letter
make jokes that only smart people will understand (this is why trolling is pointless and also not funny or creative)
they won't kill themselves (not self-awareness)
women: woman stuff, men: man stuff
logic and reason ain't women's forte
had to get over my sexism in order to do comedy
i accepted that i wasn't going to have a conventional life ever
once i started focusing on comedy...look how funny i turned out (very naturally)
joking so much that it pisses people off
they wouldn't be my frenz if they didn't find me funny
those "comics" are just jealous
it ain't my fault that you're a leftist lunatic
being a very dark person (due to invisible melanin) we hate the world (naturally)
corporate masters, as carlin would say
all the people who do comedy work for the system
we hold back a lot and still get in trouble for what we say
what if i said more of what i wanted, doghouse forever
difficult to be conscious of living God when materialistic
those material possessions can't give you life but rob you of diy and taking in moment
gotta show you all my music, just to brag
music is life
say hi to the cows, vortex
why the commies wanted to control the radio waves
guilty pleasure: jefferson airplane (fuck off)
i always hate all the other cars
fuck you other car, how dare you exist you piece of shit
people on twitter...
destroy is a funny word these days
i usually think of a machine gun or a tank not a liberal
a progressive pansie yelling at a christian conservative at a protest rally haha
are you following me, it must be all about me (again)
this suv is after me, gotta get away from em
one of the problems with marijuana haha

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