Sprouted Carrot ||Sowing Carrots in Cornstarch for great germination

3 years ago

lanting carrot seeds in cornstarch is a tried and tested method of seeding carrots. This method reduces seed waste by filling in the gaps in the garden for that initial good spacing right off the bat. Plus its super fun. The only good seeder out there that is precise enough for these little seeds are the Jang seeder. I don't have the means to get me one so this is the way to go.
The mix recipe is 1 cup of water for 2 tbsps. of Cornstarch. Very important to let the mix cool down before adding the seeds to the mix.
This method is also great for the people that can't be out in the garden to water the seedlings 3 times a day. God knows that these seeds need a lot of humidity to germinate successfully.
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Sowing Carrots in Cornstarch for great germination no thinning and prevent seed waste

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