The Blood Economy VS The Bloodless Economy

3 years ago

These are the published writings from The Lazarus Journal that is part of the Lazarus Initiative Symposium conceived of and hosted by Sacha Stone of NewEarthorizon.
The blood economy was once just a metaphor, though one could make the case that wars are an integral part of the blood economy with built in collateral assets that see great financial returns on the investment of living human corporate entities and the spilling of their blood. I would be remiss to not mention Adrenachrome here, please feel free to research that demonic perishable goods business model on your own.

When medical mafia moguls attempted to introduce a world-wide administered vaccine into the waters of seventy percent of humans on earth, that sector of the financial world ultimately jumped to dominate the goods and services sector within the gross world product (GWP).

Today the Blood Economy has become a truly realized literal economy with the advent of Transhumanism via interference in the actual blood of perishable humans with “malleable” shelf lives. Our bodies consist mostly of water, some say 60% others 87%. Our blood however, is almost 80% water.

Harvesting human blood using the COVID scam and narrative reaps profits in multiple tiers. First in the immediate sales and expediting of the vaccine which is by definition an operating system, and in the profiteering from the patented medications for the diseases that the operating system perpetuates. Then there are multiple ways to cash in on a man-made pandemic by monopolizing commerce using emergency powers and statutes that drive profits toward the corporatocracy and away from Mom and Pop.

The ultimate goal though is the long-term activation of human control and surveillance systems that are introduced into the blood of humans through nano technology delivered via a needle to the human bloodstream and then activated externally from EMF, (Electro Magnetic Frequencies) This is the area of the blood economy where yottabytes of crypto in the septillions are garnered. This ultimately allows human adversaries to continue to dominate the Homo Sapien Sapien species profiteering long into the future.

We know their supreme control system has been money via the Central Banking system up until now. To challenge them is to enter into fiscal fisticuffs where the poor man always goes down face first. In blood they now trust with their fiduciary arrangements that allow them to hold stupendously large assets in cahoots within their protected blood lines and all the benefits of copyrights, patents and ultimately ownership through the dehumanization of humans. The very nano second that a biosynthetic element is introduced into human blood that entity becomes the property of the owner of the patentee. The bloodless economy is intrinsically linked to cosmogenetic attributes which use harmonic frequencies and vibration to create. Since water is so precious to the health of humans and Earth eco-systems let us begin with those. Earth is one of the greatest economists in the solar system because she uses wholly organic methods to regenerate, re-purpose and reconstitute toward repairing broken links within her greater ecosystem. She also sources energy from the aethers where there is not much “cost” involved. When humans integrate her philosophy of abundance into the equations of their projects they often find that just the emulation of her ingeniousness pays for most of the job, bar a few tools. When humans work with earth intelligence the results can be phenomenal! Two examples of this come from David Sereda, inventor of Light Technologies and presenter in the Lazarus Initiative Symposiums. Though the latter was axed by special interest groups for obvious reasons, both are perfect examples of using cosmogenetic genius to heal our brutally battered planet without spilling any blood from slave labor, harboring patents or otherwise.

Sereda, knowing that our sun, the largest star in the solar system emits all of the frequencies at the same time, used a giant stainless steel container to vibrate the Sedona water supply with the sound of the sun. The sound of the sun vibrates water into molecular realignment. When Fukushima leaked radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean, his idea was to transmit the sound of the sun on a carrier wave, identical to the frequency that the radioactive isotopes were emitting into the Pacific, which was radioactive cesium. Since cesium oscillates over nine billion times per second and they wanted to transmit a natural harmonic using the cesium frequency as a carrier, all the cesium would cooperatively receive the healing frequency and transmit it into the Pacific.*

These experiments represent a tiny aspect of the potential of a bloodless economy, which would include: healing en masse, production using organic methods with no harmful footprint and definitely includes world peace. The bloodless economy obliterates the blood economy into oblivion. No contest. Let us begin working in synchronicity with Earth intelligence using harmonic frequencies, the energy of her aethers, the power of the sun and our connection to source to rid the world of the blood economy once and for all.

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